19 June, 2011

My bookshelf expands.

Well, I'm off to tumblr for a bit and then to read!!

I went out today and bought two new books! I was so excited. Now I've too many to read though!! My next few books to read are:

*Which I'm starting tonight!!!

Just a glimpse into my near future! (The first two are the ones I bought today) I'm also still reading Eat, Pray, Love. I only really read it when I need inspiration or a smile.

I'm also well on my way into moving into my mothers house. Most of my things are down here, but certainly not unpacked. I've spent from about 4:30 or 5 this afternoon until now (9:44pm) unpacking and cleaning and dusting and placing and organizing and boxing. I'm rather happy with the progress. I'll have pictures up soon. I'll hopefully have my laptop fixed next week but I won't be back on it (aka have free time AND internet at the same time) most likely until the 4th or 5th (maybe as late as the 8th or 9th) of next month. Once I have my computer back I'll be able to get back to my dirt and grime post and book reviews and all that fun stuff.

Well, now I'm off to tumblr then to read!!

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