I want passionate fights and making up.
I want 2am I-had-to-see-yous.I want a romantic day, once in a while.
I want silly gumball gifts, because it made you think of me.
I want you to think of me.
I want surprises, without even a hint that they're coming.
I want to be picked up for reservations.
I want sunrise picnics.
Twilight walks.
Rainy kisses.
I want Gurdon in the rain.
I want ghost hunts because you know I enjoy them.
I want a home cooked dinner by candle light.I want flowers, just because I'm sad.
I want a movie night.
I want date night.
I want adorable attempts to cook, or craft, or braid, but because you like to see me smile.
I want a hand picked flower because it's "as pretty as I am".
I want ridiculous, sappy, romantic comedy love.
But that's only dreaming right?
(Click photos for credit--> 4th picture from a subaru commercial)
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